Neural therapy (NT) treatments are aimed at healing the dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system. With this therapy, the nervous system in various parts of the body are activated or "reset" to change the firing pattern of the nerves to promote healthy signaling.
One way to look at it is this: If your body is a huge system of different messaging pathways (messages for hormones to secrete, muscles to fire, digestion to occur, etc.), and there is a crash on one of the pathways, then that message could not get through to the destination. With neural therapy, the goal is to clear the pathway of the crash, as well as any debris that has collected on the sides, and encourage the messages to travel normally again.
What is it used for?
Neural Therapy is used for a variety of reasons. It can be used to treat everything from pain to fatigue to digestive issues to brain function. See the list below for several of the common reasons to use neural therapy.
Additionally, many people use Neural Therapy to treat scars. It is believed that scars are the equivalent of a 30+ car pile up in your body's messaging system (a really big interference in the messaging systems!). If you have scars, and you also have symptoms in the area where they are located on your body, it would be wise to talk to a doctor about treating the scar.
An article written by the NDNR, a naturopathic medicine newsletter, discusses the importance of treating scars and the benefits that could come from Neural Therapy treatments: NDNR Neural Therapy Article.
Conditions Neural Therapy can help treat:
Sinusitis (acute and chronic)
Digestive upset
Liver congestion
Scar treatment
Kidney health and detox
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Decreased brain function
Decreased libido
What do you inject?
The main ingredient for this type of injection is procaine, a local anesthetic that is highly hypoallergenic and easily metabolized by the body in less than 30 minutes. The other very important ingredients used for NT treatments are homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic used varies based on the condition and location being treated. Your doctor will tell you about the one chosen for you.
Ozone is often combined with neural therapy because of it's effects in healing tissue. It is most common to use ozone for pain treatments, scar treatments, and sinusitis treatments.
What do I expect?
This therapy feels a bit like acupuncture for some people. Most of the injections are minimally painful, if at all. Most people feel lighter and more balanced fairly soon after the treatment. For some, there will be either a physical or emotional detox reaction that will occur. The doctor will tell you exactly what to expect with each specific treatment.
This treatment does have the potential to not only heal pain, but also improve the functionality of different areas or systems in the body. For this reason, many people continue to notice benefits from the treatment for several hours to days to weeks after the treatments.