Our Clinic Elevated Natural Health is a wellness center located in Seattle, Washington. We specialize in wellness medicine. What is “wellness medicine”, you ask? Well, have you been to your primary care physician lately for annual labs only to have the office or doctor call and say, “Everything looks good, see you next year!”? Have you ever wondered what was even tested or if anything showed up as even a little bit of an issue? Perhaps you are someone who just wants to be proactive about your health. You've seen older people in your lives struggle as they get older, and you want to do everything you can to avoid this type of decline in your health. Maybe you consider yourself to be pretty healthy but can’t get rid of the pain in your neck or knee. We can help. And, we consider this to be “Wellness Medicine” – a proactive approach to health with wellness as the goal. Don’t let the little things fester – get help now to optimize your health today!
Maybe “wellness medicine” sounds nice, but you’re just not quite there yet. Perhaps you have a major illness and need help navigating the natural treatment options or supplements. Many people visit us for adjunctive treatment for their chronic conditions like pain, neurological disorders, anxiety, heavy metal toxicity, Crohn’s/colitis, or even migraines. We can help with that too.